November challenge

Embrace discomfort

Bakasana, Nov 2020

Bakasana, Nov 2020

Since more than a decade I tried to eliminate all possible discomfort. I realize that it’s not possible. Discomfort comes, discomfort goes. Then something else arises at the horizon that isn’t pleasant.

I remember my pranayama teacher from India. He told me that he showers cold every day, even though warm water is available. He prepared himself for the times when warm water was not available.

We can learn to live with discomfort. Then it becomes easier to bear. An example: When I feel the stretching I focus also on the breath. I keep breathing evenly. This helps to relax despite the stretching discomfort.

Simply observing what happens is another method. With time we can learn to distinguish different sensations in the body. We might get closer and closer to our limits.

Discomfort helps us to learn and to grow:

  • A cold shower in the morning strengthens the immune system.

  • Taking the steps instead of the elevator is good for the heart.

  • Preparing meals is time-consuming, but healthier as the meals in restaurants.

The more often we face a difficult situation the easier it becomes to handle this situation.

Today I wanted to omit bakasana with straight arms. I’m not able to do it, I thought. But I tried it. It was not easy to move forward. I did it. When I saw the picture I loved it. Never before my arms were stretched like in the picture. This gives me self-confidence.

My lesson for today: Don’t avoid discomfort. Start easy. With time it becomes more and more satisfying to go through difficult situations. That’s how we learn.

Sitting on the sofa all day long is not really inspiring.

Keep practicing. Stay open for surprises.

November challenge

Bakasana variation, Nov 2020

Bakasana variation, Nov 2020

We have another lockdown due to Covid-19 virus. It will last till the end of November. In addition it’s raining today. It’s autumn at its best. Few leaves hang on the trees till the next breeze will blow them to the ground. I cooked a spicy Indian inspired meal with potatoes and carrots. All restaurants are closed. Another months that gives me the opportunity to improve my cooking skills.

Carmen started another challenge called #pressingmatters. I’m in. Time shouldn’t be an issue. Every day is a good day to practice yoga.

Back to bakasana: The task is to hold this asana for one minute. I practice bakasana every day. Tomorrow I shall see how long I can hold this asana.